
One morning, around 7, I woke up to the sound of my elderly neighbor calling out for my dad. My dad was still asleep, and when I checked the time, I estimated he would still be asleep for the next two hours.

I went out (still grumbly from being woken up) and checked on the neighbor and see what she wanted. What I found was her on the wet dewy ground, with her two small dogs on the leash walking around her.

Her leg had given out under her, and she couldn’t bring herself back to standing.

I went over and helped her up, baring a good chunk of her weight as we limped her back to her chair inside.

“You’re worth your weight in gold” she says, not for the first time.

And I say “You know, this time, I might believe that.”


I’m sorry I haven’t been posting. The truth is, I’m easy to distract. Ive since moved back in with my dad, to save money, and then started planning to move out of Michigan, and down into Tennessee…to start a new life with my BF/fiancé.

Now, I know I’ve said that this blog isn’t supposed to be about me.. And I have no intention on changing this over to be about my move or new life either. I plan to make that an entirely NEW blog.

But here is an example of how I was reminded lately, that I too have been changing things around me, without even realizing.

As time closes in on my time to leave what I consider my home town, I’ve been spending more time with the people around me…getting every minute I can. But in doing so I’ve realized that I have been filling in a niche this entire time…and that people rely on me being around and willing to help.

My friend needed sudden emergency pet sitting while she went off to a funeral. And while I had a place to be that weekend, we did manage to work it out. And I saw desperation there, and I knew she hadn’t yet found someone else to do that for her.

I am the friend of a family just a block or so away from her, that I’ve been turned into some sort of aunt figure for the kids that I’ve been babysitting for years. They’re under threat of being kicked out for a messy house, which two young boys aren’t helping with. I started coming once every week to help the cleaning, and sometimes just distract the two little tornados on legs. I wish I could help more, but that’s what I could give them…and I know they appreciate it.

I attended a couple card nights with my neighbor and her friends, and got some jobs from them, because I like to do, and am capable, of the more physical labor that they need done. And I’ve also been spending time helping my neighbor move from one house to another (thankfully right next door) and clean out her old place.

In a way, its sad that I’m only realizing this right before leaving…which makes it tempting to not leave at all…but it also strengthens me. I know I can network and fill in whatever niche I need to in my new life. (I just hope these people are ok without me)

And now, for something inspirational, and not about me.

(sorry I don’t know what the last video was about so I cant give any sort of fix to it)

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