The concept of ‘Natural Consequences’

This is…something I sent someone I know that spoke to. I went off on a longer tangent than I intended, and so this happened, and I wanted to share it, I guess.

he’s a pastor, so it’s got a lot to do about God…but it leads to the important message at the end.

Now, after taking some philosophy…I’m making ocnnections between what he’s saying, and basic taoism. Order and purpose in between the lines f what appears to be chaos, helping fellow man and developing as a person, not striving/ doing what is natural and gaining happiness, love, and anything else that you need.

Then I couple it with my theory of ‘natural consequences’

and it comes out to something like this, ” Do what is natural to you, people will notice, those who like what they see and who like to do the same things will come to talk and discuss it with you. They will come to know you better, and you of them through constant discourse. Bonds will be made and strengthened. They will want to help you when you are hitting hard times, you will be helped and be happy to know that others care about you. They will also help you learn about yourself, because they have other likes that you may discover and try out or find that you do or do not like. They will help you meet new people, and chances are that it will become a natural sort of network. Be kind and thoughtful of others while doing what comes natural to you, and you will live happily and gain all the resources you need to get whatever you need done, done.

big cities with energy efficient buildings, control on air pollution/ pollution clean up, less grass, more gardens, and forests of food. Food forests would not only provide food, but lessen the heat inside the city, and keep the air cleaner, but would also lighten people’s moods, teach children and future generations to respect and care for the natural world, and automatically give a kid from any city a place to hang out and play, leading to less childhood obesity and better social structures.

First day of school – trashman

Hello readers! I know it’s been along time since I’ve posted anything, and I am sorry for that! I’ve been dealing with personal issues, but those are now being resolved. Today is the first day of school!

And what a start I’ve had! A long night of sleep, and a good breakfast is always nice. On the way to school though is where the real action started. I came into contact with yet another bit of proof that merely existing can changed the people and world. What is this proof? Just a man driving his garbage truck.

What did the man do? Almost nothing, actually. During the winter, my route to school changes to include an alley way. He came out of the alley way and thought I had to walk past, so he gestured for me to go first. But then i gestured back the way he came. He gestured the same way, and I nodded. He went first and i turned into the alleyway.

This is a simple exchange, one that’s pretty common (at least where I am)…but it made me think of language. there are so many human languages, but even simple gestures and body posturing is a language in itself. But the world of man is not the only place where language is a thing. Birds and wolves, dogs and cats. Each have their own language or dialect, but if they meet each other, they can still communicate. they get across anger, fear, and the motherly bond. We might think of language as an invention of man, and indeed we have the most complicated and numerous system(s) that I know of…but it is a natural development.

All of these thoughts spawned from a simple exchange with a man driving a garbage truck.

So no matter how you live, and what you do….think about that. You are making a difference.