An add on


Today I’m going to give a real life example of a ripple in the fabric of reality, much like i have been trying to prove that everyone is a part of.

I was on face book within the last couple days, just minding my own business. One of my friends on there posted a captioned picture about Home Economics. I, being a firm believer in such deliciously useful classes, continued the conversation. Then I ended up giving them the link to this blog, and the last update made on it. What happened next was uh..quite unexpected. Suddenly they are like “this is AWESOME, can i share this?” so I’m like,”..sure…” Next thing I know, it’s all posted up with a recommendation that ALL FINNISH PEOPLE READ IT.

I am still bouncing off the walls, figuratively speaking. But on the more literal side, I now have a dog and several cats being constantly surprised by my outbursts and looking at me odd when I do it. It is a great…I almost want to say honor…so I will…to be recommended to an entire country- and it did not happen only once. I witnessed one of HIS friends saying the same thing.

Sure, the ripples may stop there, but I will take the compliments. (It is still to be seen if they stopped)

Well, they didn’t exactly stop there.

First, I have learned that Finland seems to have the same sort of education system. Second, I would like to make an add-on because the sudden attention has made me nervous. On top of poor nutrition, poor sleeping schedules, and over done homework- there is also the bullying epidemic (now made worst in some areas because of the fight for queer rights – LGBT + more )

Not to mention that the anxiety felt by the average teenager in the school setting is worst than some psychiatric hospitals of the not too distant past. ( I think the 50’s or something. Do not quote me on this, but perhaps it would be an interesting thing to research?)

My conclusion: The school environment has been transformed from the ‘best four years of your life’ in the case of highschool to the four most toxic years of your life. More and more, we are seeing cases of inappropriate (short term) relationships, severe bullying, suicides, and school shoot outs.

And those of the older generation wonder why we are getting less educated children even as technology standards go up? School is no longer a place conductive to learning. It has become an oxymoron, a farse, a joke.

It is no longer a place to learn to be productive. It is a place to learn how to take tests, and how to hate and be hated.

Now college (university for our european friends, in french college is equal to the meaning of highschool) is where one must go to learn to be productive, and it is expensive.

I now take a step back. This is really not where I wanted this post to end up, but I also will not take back my words.

Another quick addon: I think the education system is the backbone -the reason- why America got to be so influencial. But those in charge, who got there through the proper education and hard work, have been giving back to the education of our children less and less. And perhaps…just maybe…it is one of the greatest reasons why America seems to be falling as much as it is.

Let’s talk about school, America

So, as about any adult in America knows – about 99% of children state that they hate school at some point in their lives.

As someone who payed attention to the people around me and the goings on, I can comfortably state that about the same percentage can be applied to adults simply stating “but, education is important.”

Yes. Yes, it is important.

So, as an adult that agrees that education is important, allow me to share some facts (and a video) with you.

My school started it’s days at 8 am. The main way to get there was by bus. If you lived in the city, you would get picked up around 6-7 am. If you lived outside of the city, you might have to get up at 4 am.

School times haven’t changed, and some schools may start before 8. Most kids don’t eat a proper breakfast. They might get a cereal bar or, more likely, some poptarts. Lunch is around 10-11 am. Recess generally is after lunch. After, recess, teachers expect children to sit down/be quiet/pay attention. The amount of stress on teachers is increasing, thus the amount of homework is increasing, yet the children don’t seem to be learning and more importantly, retaining, as much as they used to.

The education system isn’t working anymore, and I have a pretty good idea why.

First, let us visit our memories of health class. Let us start with nutrition. What’s the one thing you remember? The food pyramid, right? Just sit and remember if for a moment. (Yes, it’s been changed but,really, it just seems more confusing now.)

Got it? Good.

Now, let’s think about what lunch was/is like.

I don’t know about you, but the standard lunch at my school was a chicken patty sandwhich with mashed potatoes and corn.

Sure, at first it might sound healthy. You’ve got meat, bread,two servings of veggies and a cup of milk. (fun fact: the boxed milk says ‘half a pint’ XD)

Now days, food health awareness is going up. I’m lucky to be able to say that in middleschool and upwards, I had a salad bar in my lunchroom. But so many schools just don’t.

You think- oh that’s good, food awareness is going up, schools are more aware of what they’re feeding children. Well…yes…and no.

Some school are making great changes. My school had it’s salad bar and posters up about how you should have a colorful diet-yet the generic lunch was still chicken patty sandwiches, mashed potatoes, and corn. The chicken patty is yellow, the bread is white, the corn is yellow, and the mashed potatoes are white. There is no color, and therefore no real balance.

I’m going to leave this here, so that you can see how bad some of our schools have gotten:

You might notice a link that has been added to the post, feel free to click that at the end of this article, it will really change your view on things.

Now, back to health class. What else are they teaching us? How about – breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Now, i want to get a little more in detail because people seem to be losing their grip on what this means and why. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day because after at least 8 hours of your body -and therefore metabolism- slowing down so that you may rest peacefully during the night, it jump starts your metabolism and therefore energy producing and burning process.

This is why it’s called breakfast to begin with. It breaks the fast.

What it also does is determine how the rest of your day is going to go. therefore, we should all actually be eating scrambled eggs, toast, bacon, and orange juice for breakfast.

(Those of you on a low calorie breakfast plan need to stop really, because the better breakfast you have the more energy you have for the rest of the day and the harder your body will be burning calories to keep up with your daily activities. So eat a big recommended breaskfast and skip the fastfood salad for lunch. That ‘healthy’ option’s got almost the same amount of calories as a burger anyways. Instead try a salad made with spinach, avacado, tomato, onion, and some home grilled  chicken with your own personal set of spices? Or learning how to make egg fried rice with a handfull of chopped scallions and broccoli?)

Got all that? Cool.

Remember what I said kids are eating for breakfast? When adults hear about this, or see the effects on the children (low ability to pay attention) they say “you need to eat a better breakfast.”

No shit! But do you think kids are taught to cook breakfast -or at all- and do you think they would have enough time to get up,get dressed while being groggy, make themselves scrambled eggs and toast, eat it, and still make it to the bus stop? No, they don’t. (what about the adults? They’re probably getting ready for work.)

Let us run through a normal school day, then, shall we?

You are outside the city, you have to get up at 4 am in order to be dressed and be ready at the bus stop. You get dressed, while being half asleep because you stayed up last night studying for a two tests after doing homework and helping your mom with laundry. You brush your hair, apply deodorant, feed the dog, pack your gym clothes, check to make sure you have your books and homework, grab your breakfast of poptarts and orange juice, put on your coat and shoes and head out the door to the car so that you can get to the bus stop on time.

You’re not allowed to eat on the bus, and you happen to be one of those kids who can’t sleep on long bumpy rides full of people chattering. You put in earbuds and stare out the window or play your handheld game. All the while, you think more and more about how you just want to be at school already so you can eat your meager, unhealthy, and totally nothing but sugar breakfast.

After a long ass bus ride, you finally get there. Class starts in 20 minutes. You quickly find your group of friends, scarf your food, have a quick little chat, and scuttle to your locker area, and get prepared for your first class.(oh yea, this is highschool I’m talking about. sorry..though my middleschool was pretty much a mini highschool)

You probably suck at first period, do great in second period, decent in third period, get to lunch, realize you forgot your school I.D/lunchcard. you can’t get school lunch today. So with the $1.50 you happen to have on your person for after school snack, you buy a bag of fritos and a soda. 4th and 5th period go by fine, you probably have a blood sugar spike to tide you over for these classes… but by the time 6th period rolls around, you’re either falling asleep or getting antzy because you’re irritable and can’t focus.

School ends, and you may or may not have an after school sports activity to do (which would drain more  energy) but for the purpose of this story, you don’t. Instead you wait for the bus that takes you home. You get home, are expected to do your homework right away, and do your chores. It takes you at least three hours to do the homework for your classes, and one teacher wants a book report done in two weeks. You read two chapters before dinner. Your one good meal of the day, and at least once a week it gets replaced by pizza or fast food. You do your chores.

In an attempt to stay sane, you take a couple hours on your laptop and surf tumblr or facebook. After that, you look at your book and then at the time. It may be 11 pm by now. You wake up tomorrow at 4 am again. To get the 8 hours that society says you should have (more like 9 for teens I think) you should have gone to bed at 9. But if you did that, you wouldn’t have been able to have time to unwind. You take a shower, and do your bedtime routine. 11:30. You finally lay down for sleep. By the time REM sleep kick in, it might be 12 am. Good luck getting a full night’s sleep on this schedule. Next day goes the same except this time you did not forget your lunch card- but lunch is chicken patty, and not particuarily tasty, so you just eat the sandwich and milk and throw the rest away. You may as well have gone to Mcdonalds.

That is a school day.

And it’s not just effecting teens.

My friend had a little sister who in third grade came home with enough homework to keep her busy for the rest of the day. The only break she got was dinner and a half hour tv show before it was bed time.

and did I mention that when my middleschool’s budget was cut, the biggest change they made was to get rid of the home economics/life skills class? No? It happened. I’m still pissed off about it.


There is much, much more on this subject. However, I know that I tend to create long enough posts as it is…so as promised, I’ll leave this link here, just in case.

Shoutout to my followers!

Hey, so you know…

All this time I’ve been blogging I’ve been thinking that my only followers were my girlfriend, her sister, and MAYBE a couple people from tumblr and facebook.

But today I finally went into my emails and -‘lo and behold- I have notices of people following me.

*bow* Thank you.

You may never have any idea how happy I am to have people actually caring about what I have to say on this – my serious blog of seriousness.

I will also apologize to each of you, for making you sit through my long, and wordy posts. I also read my own blog, to proof read and remind myself what topics I’ve already hit. I’m aware and almost ashamed of how long they always are. However, it is likely I will not be able to stop anytime soon. I guess it’s just what happens when I have a topic to talk about, and no one is there to stop me. You poor people.

On a different topic, I actually want to have the chance to follow you guys back!
The thing is, I’m apparently a ditz at doing anything on wordpress that isn’t posting my long-ass talk sessions. The first guy I noticed ,and want to follow, is KameronGeorge – cool internet guy of project AWOL. Thing is I just can’t find the stupid ‘follow’ button or whatever.

So, help please? x.x


Edit: ok so, after about an hour of clicking around (maybe) I have found  the ability to follow your followers, and I have found that KameronGeorge no longer exists on wordpress because of some violation.

So, when i get the  time, I will be checking out all my followers -that I can-

Until next update!

TED Talks

Ok so, I JUST updated last night but -surprise!- you all get another update! 🙂

Today I joined a site called

No, it isn’t about a guy named ted (i don’t think) but actually it is a website FULL of videos and articles about people standing and speaking up for they believe in.

and this is going to be important,because I really, really want to give a speech, at least once.

But this isn’t going to be about me.

This link, is to a public speech about self worth and living a life of meaning. Yes, there are refferences to God but…he’s a pastor…it’s kind of part of him. And even if you aren’t christian or into any god9s) at all, just hear him out.

I did.

And the part that stuck with me  was him asking – what are your strengths/ what are you good at? what are you wired to do?

Now, the first thing to come to mind, was to react like someone had asked me that stupid question- you know the one- where your teachers and principal, and aunts and uncles ask you “what are you going to grow up to be?” or “where do you see yourself in ten years” so i thought about my skills that i could apply to a job environment. Then I stopped.


It’s not about what I was going to do to earn money. The question was- what was i wired to do. And suddenly, it all became clear. I knew what I was wired to do because it’s all I ever do, and have done since I was a kid.

I am wired to learn. I am wired to ask questions. People, I ask questions non-stop, ok? And more often than not, it picks up when I’m frustrated like- why don’t you do this? or why do people have to act like that? or why the hell can’t we all be Spock?

But i still wonder about other things. in fact, my need to ask questions and explore the world around me lead to my greatest challenge when I entered highschool/adulthood :staying on track and chosing one job/career/field of interest. But I can’t, man, the whole world is my field of interest! And beyond it even! ne day i may study batman, the next week I may be totally stoked by the idea of starting up a blacksmithing shop and using my body to pound some hot metal into submission, only to be side tracked by going into the science and economic side of the new frontier that we can all see coming – meteor mining.

And -just like my dad- I often think of ways to earn great amounts of money. But truthfully, if i were to get that money i would do the following.

Buy a house, set some aside in my savings, go meet Jackie Chan, and donate to his charities. I would probably end up using most of my non-money making hours to go help people because that is ALSO what i am wired to do. I want to help people. And I have so many ideas running around my head that I would probably dedicate my life to somone that could help me achieve them.

And i could do stuff like this lovely, but fast talking young lady is doing.

I mean – DAMN- look at what she did for that poor city. That green is some beautiful shit right there. I want there to be MORE green, more hard working groups, more harmony, and more of calling out governmental bullshit. But you know…that’s just me…and her..and half of America 😛

Anyway, I wanted you all to see those two videos. They are really inspirational aren’t they?

Can I ask you one more question?

What are YOU wired to do?

My livestream, A Man named Hussie, and a description

I am currently attempting a livestream but I have my doubts about it actually being on. Whatever. I’m going to write up an entry since I’ve been neglecting my poor blog here.

Since we are focusing on how someone can change the world around them, i’m going to write about an internet sensation- Andrew Hussie.

The people on the internet or in real life (conventions) may have heard of something called Homestuck.

Homestuck is not an anime as some have been lead to believe, but it IS an online comic with quite the detailed lore/plot and even some characters might be said to be well developed. Most developed, I would say, would be the two sets of four humans.

Due to the story, and the following, I would say that Homestuck would be something worthy of checking out- though I caution you, it may appear to be boring until at least the end of the first act. Most fans may suggest you read all the way until act 5, but that’s because that’s when the plot REALLY picks up with aliens and stuff.

And it’s all been the work of one man (well, him and a few suggestions back when it started) One man. Now, look again at all of those fans. They are all over, and some cons might even hold at least a dozen!

Now, I’m aware there was some bad PR between homestuck fans and other con goers but I urge non-homestucks to be more accepting. Not all homestucks are arrogant people who don’t know when to stop playing out their role. Also, keep in mind that people have been cosplaying non-anime for years and had no issues. (Batman, Spiderman, Scooby-Doo, Aang. et cetera)

Now, this is all very nice. I applaud him for his great work, and the work he continues to do.

But I want to make something VERY VERY CLEAR ABOUT MY BLOG. it isn’t a “get to celebrity status fast” sort of thing.

I think all of my readers (if I have any) should read this article:

Now, After it, there is a person saying that you can’t change ‘the world’ but you can only do your thing and everyone else will decide to change on their own. I respect that point of view. However, my ‘change the world’ thing is not meant to be like “oh, people will not be such douchebags, or, oh well do these things and blah blah blah..”

No. It’s not meant to change behaviors. This blog is meant to point out how easy it is to make a change in your world.

Here, I’ll give you an example.

A girl sees a boy with an armful of schoolbooks walking home from highschool. He trips and his books go everywhere. She stops and helps him take his books all the way home. From that day on they become great friends, but there was one thing he did not tell her.

When it came to graduation night for their class, he walked up to the podium and recited the details of that day. It turns out that he had all those books from cleaning out his locker, because he was planning suicide. The girl, her parents,his parents, and probably most of the audience were moved to tears through this story. I can guarantee you that she got many praises for her part, that they continued being great friends, and that AT LEAST ONE child was in that audience that took home a message of treating your fellow people with kindness.

I’m not that girl, but I remember reading the article, it’s real. You know what else? It left something in me, and you can tell, because I have carried the story so that I may share it with others. Right now, I’m doing my part the best I can. My part is bringing a little bit of sunshine where I can, and lending my ear to those that need it.

Once again, I want to say this.

Feeling powerless? Plant a garden.

By planting that garden not only are you working out your feelings of frustration, and getting a sense of satisfaction when your veggies or flowers start popping up- but the colorful sight or bright smells coming from it may become a sad  person’s thing of solice.

and if you have kids, you can prepare healthier meals for them (veggies), or maybe they’ll develop an interest in gardening or -like i did for a short time- making pretty bouquets. And as time passes, maybe that kid will make a small business for themselves growing flowers and selling them in highschool or something or since they had an interest in flowers, they would be able to paint them easier in art class and become the next Georgia Okeefe!

You never know.

and that’s what this blog is about. Not about becoming a celebrity, but pointing out how easily you can change peoples’ lives and influence the world around you.