So about my blog…

I understand that although I said this blog was for posting ways that anyone can change the world, I have been posting some of my own opinions of stuff. I thoroughly apologize for that but…well…it is my blog XD

Anyways, moving on.

You MAY have noticed (if you had the chance encounter with my totally unknown blog) my little subtitle. If you’d like to know more about that, please refer to my first ever post as I am currently too lazy to go fetch it for this one.

Mostly because I’m reading an article that fits in with the theme I was going for originally.

In Rome, a commitee of squatters has taken it upon themselves to take over and run a theater that used to be government run was was given up to the public. Before that, two other theaters had been put through the same thing and one of them became a shopping mall.

If you’d like to read more about the power of a group of individuals who all decided that they did not want more of their historic culture to disappear, here’s the link 🙂

As for my current life plans, here’s what I’ve got: Return from christmas vaca (staying for my birthday upon their insistance x.x) get a job, start a small mushroom garden, move to Dubuque, and apply to work at HyVee while using whatever money to buy nice things for the pantry at the local Theological school and ask about volunteering her. There are very nice people here 🙂

latest happenings

1. found out that you can be fired for being gay in some states.
My opinion?
The fight against gay rights is stupid. In fact, it’s not even legal because it’s so stupid. let me tell you: the only reason why people are so against it, is because of a religion based aspect of the common upbringing in the states…but you see, the US is supposed to exist with state seporated from church…this means that a religion can not affect a law for the common good. and honestly, if two drunken people who met for 30 minutes in a bar can get married…if celebrities can get married for 72 days…then we don’t REALLY care about the sanctity of marriage (legally anyways) so why protect it now? because people ARE STUPID, and the christian church (the ones against it anyways) don’t want to face how far they’ve drifted from the laws of the bibles


a woman can not cut her hair without her father/husband’s permission

it is ‘illegal’ to wear two different types of fabric


(just want to insert this here guys -the king james bible and any bible made from it- ….it shouldn’t be used as the bible at all. A KING LITERALLY PAID SOMEONE TO REWRITE THE BIBLE AS HE LIKES IT. There, I said it.)

…..and as a last thing…if you’re a true patriot, then you should believe in the land of freedom- where you can serve the god (or no god) of your choosing, choose your own job and make it into a most respected franchise or hotspot, AND MARRY WHOMEVER YOU WISH.

America is a land of freedom, and it’s illegal to be picky about who gets it.

So, my message to governors and mayors…for whomever is keeping the us from being completely free to those whom happen to be gay. You are STUPID.

sorry for my rant v.v;

also i got to ask a fellow cheese lover about the difference between parmesan and parmesiano reggiano. the difference? parmesan is just a certain type of cheese…parmesiano reggiano is a parmesan made in the region called Reggiano…in italy.

and I got a sample and an education in cheese tasting, for free 🙂

I love the local HYVee SO MUCH that I am ashamed to say that I must soon return to a small, HyVee-less city T.T

ideas for a restraunt:
shrimp and mushroom themed, dishes with lots of mushrooms, or a restraunt with a special for a plate of locally grown wild variety mushrooms for $10.

Yea, I think of restraunt ideas often 🙂

and I’ve decided that I am most definately moving here, the hyvee is too precious to me now to not.

I think that’s about it…again, sorry for the rant, but I am also incredibly frustrated by how slow the US is improving it’s laws, when as I said, It shouldn’t even be an issue.