Rosey Roses

Alright, to start us off today I’m just going to announce that I have had “The roses of success” from chitty chitty bang bang stuck in my head all day :3

Now for more lessons and suggestions of how to change the world.

A lesson involving my personal life: I have been both extremely addicted to activities on the internet, and short tempered with my room mates when there is no actual cause for it. Granted, part of their irritation is because I always sound sarcastic and have very little ability to recognize my own tone of voice when speaking, but I can’t ignore that I know I have had very little patience as of late.

So we had an intervention type thing where we discussed what was all going wrong, sorted out the communication issues, and my time on the laptop got limited with what I call an incentive program. My time now is based entirely on how productive i am that day. I start with two hours, and for each productive thing I do such as brushing my cat, bringing in the mail, washing dishes, going out for a walk…I get an extra half an hour. There are a couple more details that I asked to be added in and such, but the program seems to be working well. I’m not on the computer from wake to sleep anymore, more things get done, I feel calmer and have even started humming again…something I haven’t noticed until recently is something that I have not done in a long time.

And now its theory time. You know my theory by now guys, everyone is changing the world. Even if you don’t feel like you are.

Let’s say you’re always sarcastic to your roommates. Eventually, if they’re not the kind of people to take humors in so much of it, they may get irritated with you. Fights will break out. Your daily mood will decline while theirs does too. You start complaining to your friends on facebook, only talking about your own problems…they might also do the same thing. Some friends on facebook may not be able to handle your level of stress (I’ve met them) and leave since you’re always negative and never positive. You are bringing down their mood too. You get more negative feelings. possibly towards the people that left, or towards your roommate for all the fighting and blame them for your loss….possibly both… You start ranting to someone else, someone who is not as informed about the situation and who’s only hearing your side of things. Maybe after a while, they agree with you too much and purposely get in contact with the ex-facebook friend and start bullying them. Maybe the ex-friend happens to be in the middle of their parents getting divorced and is emotionally sensitive/unstable. So, instead of blocking the person and making more positive friends, they take the bullying to heart. perhaps this person, whom you only intended to rant to and have someone to agree with you as is human nature, is being more aggressive than you think, and maybe the ex-friend isn’t able to get in contact with a supportive friend at the moment they need it the most. This might lead to your ex-friend committing suicide.

I could stop here, but honestly, the chain of events wouldn’t. This is all possible, isn’t it?

And after the suicide? Well, the parents that were getting divorced are now brought together, for the moment, over the loss of their child. They get the police to look into what might make their girl commit suicide, maybe blaming themselves a little. They join a group for parents who lost their child to suicide. The cops trace the dispicable activities to your friend, your ‘friend’ tells them you told them to do it in order to take the heat off of themselves, you get in trouble because the parents confirm that their kid mentioned how negative you were being. They tell their entire group, and you may may get a trial in court, where MORE people are there to learn about the situation. After that either the trial went well, and the truth was revealed with a handful of people not believing you…or it didn’t and the entire town hates you…or it didn’t and the entire town becomes split about it.

…of course news travels, and depending on the mood of any local newspapers and the circumstances, your name might become national news. After this point, i believe the best that can happen is that you feel guilty about it at some level, and after 5-10 years most people will have forgotten your name and you will be able to live a relatively normal life….probably after moving out of your hometown though…and maybe that mother becomes a public speaker for awareness of bullying and suicide- even asking you to show up a couple times…I don’t know…this is all speculation.

I am sorry for how dark that was, I didn’t think it through well before starting to type so that it may fold out naturally.


I thought of…maybe, daydreamed a little…of a mini concert/ awareness gathering in the park of my town or something. Like, if I gathered people together in a rally or something and gave a speech about my theory and my thoughts on the Pay It Forward program I mentioned before….how much would it affect the lives of those people, and how much better would my town get after that?

In fact, I wonder how much i’m changing anything just by writing in this blog? 🙂

And since i’m watching youtube: I’d like to mention that my life has forever been changed now that i know that Bill Nye can swing, and Jackie Chan can sing 🙂 Amazing what you can learn isn’t it?