My little discovery

We all know by now that my blog is based on the concept of changing the world around you one act at a time.

And we all know my slogan, I mean its up there in the little corner even.

And what I’ve discovered is actually a small example of this actually happening in my town. For personal safety, i will not disclose the name of where i live…but i’ve dicovered a little garden that is full of amazing foliage. Vegetables and flowers alike, all growing spectacularly and producing well. (except broccoli) even the weeds were magnificient.

Keep in mind, I study wild edibles as a hobby so this is actually very exciting..especially when I found a purslane hiding under some bean that sprawled out wider than my head and with succulent leaves as big as half my thumb. Believe me, i took that beauty home for frying up later.

So this garden area is run by a small organization of gardeners. Basically they meet once a week for maintanance, but you can come at any time that is coneviant for you and help out. Any one is allowed to join and do this. The food is grown and handed out to the local woman’s shelter and food pantries…but coolest of all is that the garden is open to anyone who needs the food.

yes people, my town has a public veggie garden…and best of all, there’s no vandalism to be seen ❤ So its confirmed in my mind that while people can be dicks….that public veggie gardens 'food forests" are perfectly capable of happening and succeeding.

Now, i leave you with this link :

and wish you all a good day, good gardening, and good luck changing your world 🙂

(btw, going back to college. Possibly gunna major in biochemistry. This is how I choose to change my world)

One for the girls

ok so, today is a day to think about gender roles…and I just have a couple links here that I’ve been saving to post up, and they give you a pretty good idea of what it can be like to be one of those bright girls that everyone thinks is going to make something of themselves one day. I, myself, am one of those girls..but i’m lucky enough that i had parents who , if nothing else, allowed me to be myself and explore my own interests. Now Im considering going for a degree in botany and taking survival classes too!

Heres those links:

Now, after you’ve had time to consider that load of information…

I’ve made a great discovery within my own city!

…and since wordpress deleted the nice long explanation what what it is that I found and m tired as all hell….I guess you guys will have to wait until Wednesday to find out XP