Sickness or allergies

It is just past eleven at night, I tried going to bed at ten, my normal bedtime now, after staying up all day despite a runny nose and slight fever. I was talking to a friend in Iowa that I haven’t had personal contact with in months. I miss her dearly,

I should warn you that since I am feeling bad, chances are high that you will see some sort of typo in today’s entry. 

I hate being allergic to everything in the air. My room mates don’t take me seriously about it. One of them doesn’t accept these kind of allergies unless there’s a doctor’s note involved, and the other one needs me to clarify for her, because she probably thinks I’m some poor misguided soul who thinks just because i sneeze when there’s dust present or something that i think i’m allergic. No, that’s not it. I suffer from hay fever in the spring and summer, i suffer the same kind of symptoms when I clean my room for more than an hour or two, and during the fall when the mushrooms come around. I’m allergic to some perfumes too…but i don’t suffer from that as much because no one really sprays it around me and I usually only wear it for certain occasions.

I am currently unable to sleep because of my mucus and my over flow of thoughts. so i am drinking some hot/warm wellness tea made with some long name of a flower that starts with an E that’s supposed to be good for you. Whatever. 

People, this is not a personal blog to document all the horrible but actually mundane things in my life. Today, i’m actually going to tell you what happened the day after I made this blog. 

I walked over to my dad’s house and asked to borrow the old bike with baskets so that I could go over to the liquidator’s store, where my money really stretches itself, so that i may improve on a very barren looking pantry of mine. On the bike ride there, i thought about this blog. i thought about this blog and the video that helped me start it all. I thought about the process i could use to become a public speaker- a speaker on my theory that a person naturally changes the world without even trying.

That led to me thinking about how to become a theorist – like Malcolm from Jurassic Park.  i almost laughed out to myself at me comparing myself to the man, picturing myself holding someone’s hand while explaining my theory in such a way that it would be sensual to them. 

Have you heard of the butterfly effect? It basically says that if a butterfly flaps its wings, a tsunami appears across the world. Another example could be found in a puddle, after tossing in small rocks. Even the smallest pebble will create ripples which will fill the entire puddle. The same thing could be said for humans. A great example of this can be found in the movie “Pay It Forward” where the premise is that a boy, when challenged by his teacher to change the world, comes up with the pay it forward theory. 

The theory goes that you must do 3 big things for 3 seporate people. These must be things that they can not do or get themselves. Like temporarily taking in a druggy, or paying for someone’s cousiling, or maybe paying off a large debt for them (like a hospital bill, perhaps) and then instruct them to do the same for 3 other people. In this way three good deeds turn into 9 good deeds. According to his theory, the web would then eventually grow to encompass the rest of the world.  

Sometimes I wonder what would happen if we got a group of 20-30 people together and all participated in Paying It Forward at the same time. 

Well, that’s enough for tonight. 🙂

I have an illness, or allergies, to try and sleep through. Good Night.